An elderly man is being examined in the ear.

What are the types of hearing tests?

So, you’ve finally decided to seek treatment after listening to your spouse or family members complain about how loud the TV is for the nth time. The first step in dealing with possible hearing loss is to get your hearing tested.

There are a number of hearing tests available and in some cases, you may need to have more than just one hearing test to get an accurate diagnosis. This will establish the kind and severity of your hearing loss.

Hearing tests are absolutely painless and safe. Most of these tests are performed in a soundproof studio with specially adapted headphones. The test results are plotted on an audiogram, a visual representation of your level of hearing loss.

Ideally, an audiologist will discuss with you the results of your hearing test and the next steps that you can possibly take.

In this article, we’ll share with you the most common types of hearing tests used by audiologists.

Pure tone audiometry

Also known as pure tone testing, this type of hearing test measures your ability to hear sounds at different pitches and loudness using air conduction. Wearing headphones and sitting in a specially built booth will be required. Through the headphones, a succession of noises will be transmitted. You will be asked to respond by raising your hand or clicking a button whenever you hear a tone. The outcomes will then be plotted on an audiogram.

Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs)

OAEs are noises produced by the vibration of the hair cells in your inner ear’s cochlea. This method of testing employs a small probe equipped with a microphone and speaker to trigger and measure the cochlea’s response. 

People with normal hearing will emit sound; however, when hearing loss surpasses 25-30 dB, no sound will be created. 

This test can determine whether there is an ear canal blockage, damage to the cochlea’s hair cells, or excess fluid in the middle ear. OAE testing is also frequently used for newborn hearing screening programs.

Bone Conduction Testing

This is another pure-tone test that assesses your inner ear’s reaction to sound. A conductor will be implanted behind your ear, sending tiny vibrations straight to the inner ear through the bone. 

This differs from the classic version, which sends audible noises via air. If the findings of this test differ from the results of pure-tone audiometry, an audiologist will be able to utilize this information to establish the type of hearing loss you have.

Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)

This form of hearing testing is used to assess whether a sensorineural hearing loss exists. It’s also commonly used to check babies for hearing issues. 

For this type of hearing test, electrodes are placed on your head, scalp, or earlobes and you will be required to wear headphones or earphones. The brainwave activity will be measured in terms of its reaction to different intensities of noises.

Speech Testing

This type of testing is used to determine your speech reception threshold (SRT). 

What is SRT? This refers to the faintest level of speech you can understand 50% of the time. Sounds are transmitted in both quiet and noisy environments to assess your ability to distinguish speech from background noise.

Hearing tests in Cary, NC

At Cary Audiology, we provide comprehensive audiological evaluations for anyone with hearing concerns, regardless of age. These services are diagnostic medical tests and are used to differentiate between hearing loss due to a medical condition and those due to noise exposure, genetics, or the normal aging process. Rest assured that all testing and follow-up evaluations are performed by Board Certified audiologists.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!

ready to improve your hearing?

At Cary Audiology Associates, our goal is to enhance the quality of life of hearing impaired individuals by providing exceptional, reliable and honest hearing health care services to those desiring better hearing. Schedule an appointment today to get started.