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Hearing aid fittings play a big role in hearing aid success. Cary Audiology provides expert audiology services and hearing aids in Cary, NC, and nearby locations.

The main purpose of the hearing aid fitting process is to program the devices based on your prescription. This ensures they accurately meet your specific hearing requirements. Cary Audiology uses Real Ear Measurements to precisely verify that the hearing aids are accurately programmed. Real ear measurements help us ensure that your devices are meeting the prescribed targets, giving you optimal audibility for soft and conversational speech. Our audiologists also assess your subjective benefit from the hearing aids through our Client Oriented Scale of Improvement (COSI).

Hearing aids are only as good as the hearing aid fitting. They can’t function at their best if they don’t physically fit right or have settings that aren‘t programmed for an individual client’s needs. It is critical to make sure you’re receiving a proper evaluation when investing in hearing aids.

What happens before a hearing aid fitting?

Before you come in for your hearing aid fitting, we conduct a hearing evaluation to determine if you are a hearing aid candidate. Then at the hearing aid consultation, we review your hearing evaluation, lifestyle, and budget to determine which hearing aids would best meet your needs. Here is some additional information about the process.

Hearing Aid Evaluation

We will conduct a series of diagnostic and functional tests to determine the perfect fit for you. We will ask questions about when symptoms first appeared, how much hearing loss has impacted day-to-day life, and if tinnitus is an issue as well. When all this information has been gathered, it guides us in creating a personalized treatment plan.

Hearing Aid Consultation

Choosing Your Hearing Aid

Hearing aids come in many different styles and technologies. Based on your hearing loss, lifestyle, budget, and preferences, we formulate a treatment plan and select the best hearing aid models for you. You then try on the hearing aids while you are in the office so you can experience the improvement in hearing. 

Ear Impressions

The first step in fitting certain hearing aid models requires taking ear mold impressions. This ensures that an accurate, comfortable fit is achieved. Specific in-the-ear (ITE) models as well as ear molds for behind-the-ear (BTE) devices will require taking ear impressions.

Ordering of Devices

Hearing aids are ordered based on your individual needs. Depending on the style that is ordered, it may take up to two weeks to receive the hearing instruments. A separate appointment will be scheduled for the hearing aid fitting.

What happens during a hearing aid fitting?

During the hearing aid fitting, we will explain the basics of how to use your hearing aids; how to insert and remove them, how to care for and clean the devices, and how to replace batteries.

We suggest that you bring a family member or a close friend to the hearing aid fitting to offer support and help you remember all the information provided during the appointment.

Programming and Education

Your hearing aids will be programmed according to your hearing requirements!  Your audiologist will review expectations and the adaptation process.  If you have any concerns about the fit, volume level, or other related issues, this is the ideal time to tell us so we can make adjustments as necessary. 

Enjoy the New Sounds: Adjusting to Hearing Aids

When you put on a pair of hearing aids for the first time, it can be an emotional experience. You might find yourself surprised (or overwhelmed) at how much sound there is to hear!

Getting used to hearing aids is a gradual process. You will have two or three follow-up appointments after your initial fit. As your brain adjusts to the new sounds, your audiologist will adjust the hearing aids accordingly. If you have any concerns with your new hearing aids, our team at Cary Audiology is ready to help.

Real Ear Measurement 

The gold standard for determining the precise level of amplification for an individual’s hearing loss involves real-ear measurements. Also known as Probe Microphone Measurements, this process is the best way to determine if someone is able to hear at the most accurate level possible with their new hearing aid.

Measuring how the hearing aids perform while you are wearing them is an important part of ensuring you receive all of the benefits they’re capable of providing. To do this, real-ear measurements are captured with specially designed microphones that detect what your ear is hearing at the level of the eardrum.

Through real ear measurement, we can assess acoustic details and areas where the hearing aids over or under-amplify sounds to make appropriate adjustments for future use.

It might seem like subtle changes would go unnoticed, but through real ear measurement and evaluation of details, such as frequency responses, we find out what the ears should be able to hear and make appropriate adjustments for future use.

Hearing Aid Fitting FAQs 

Are hearing aid fittings covered by insurance?

Hearing aids may not be covered by medical insurance, but there is a chance that your plan will offer some form of coverage for them. Not every company offers equal benefits when it comes to their respective policies but you can reach out to your insurance company to learn more about their hearing health coverage.

Why won’t my hearing aid stay in my ear?

If your hearing aids feel too loose or uncomfortable, they may be at risk of falling out. If you have any concerns about the fit of your hearing aid, we can re-adjust it accordingly. You might also have an earmold that needs replacing. For any concerns about your hearing aid fitting, feel free to contact us and our professionals will gladly check it for you.

How long do hearing aid fittings take?

When you are planning your schedule, it’s important to allow around 45 minutes – 2 hours for a hearing aid fitting. This is the average length of time hearing aid fittings take.

Hearing Aid Fitting at Cary, NC 

At Cary Audiology, we understand that hearing aids play a big role in our patient’s daily activities. The path to better hearing starts with an accurate hearing aid fitting performed by a qualified audiologist. Working closely alongside an audiologist can help make adjusting to new hearing aids easier.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment!